Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Rodriguez Family Crisis

The Rodriguez Family Crisis The crisis that the Rodriguez family is facing is very serious. They are dealing with a flooding in their area that has caused them to lose their home and their only means of support, which is Mrs. Rodriguez job. The basic needs that need to be addressed is, the Rodriguez family is in need of somewhere to stay and means of getting food, clothing, and necessities that would carry them through this crisis. The first thing I would do is help the Rodriguez family cope with their crisis is, to understand the situations they are facing.After discussing their situations, I would make plans to gather food, clothing, necessities, and shelter for them. I would explain that putting them into a shelter is just until we can find them an apartment/home that is suitable for them and the girls. The second thing I would take with Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez is, getting them set up with Social Services so they could apply for emergency food stamps so they could purchase food and Medicaid to help with any medical expenses for them and the girls.I will also assist in helping with them getting the housing authority to help with finding them an apartment/home and help with paying for their rent expenses. I will explain to them that these resources are here to help people such as them who are in a crisis and in need of emergency help. After helping the Rodriguez family set up with Social Services and the housing authority, and all the paper work gets the approval, I will begin to assist in helping them find an apartment/home that is suitable for them and close to Mr. Rodriguez and the girl’s schools.I will discuss with them that not only must the apartment location be suitable for Mr. Rodriguez and the girl’s; however, it must be suitable for Mrs. Rodriguez to find a job in that area. I will discuss with Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez on how â€Å"The plan should focus on systematic problem solving for the client and be realistic in terms of the clientâ €™s coping ability (James, 2008). In doing the above steps, I feel that this will eliminate the pressure of them having to worry about arranging to get Mr. Rodriguez and the girls into another school and Mrs. Rodriguez not being able to find a job that she is qualify to do.I will explain to them, that this planning is about getting through the short term and getting some semblance of equilibrium and stability restored (James, 2008). The models of intervention, that I would use in helping the Rodriguez family with this crisis is, all the models. First, I would need to define and understand the problems of this crisis in their viewpoint. Because, unless the worker perceives the crisis situation as the client perceives it, all the intervention strategies and procedures the helper might use may miss the mark and be of no value to the client (James, 2008).The second step is to make sure there is safety for the Rodriguez family. The means of safety is to make sure I am not putting the m in harm’s way. I have to think about their daughters when placing them into a shelter. The third step is to give the Rodriguez family support and to inform them that I am here to help them in getting all the support from other resources that apply to their crisis. This means that the workers must be able to accept, in an unconditional and positive way, all their clients, whether the clients can reciprocate, or not (James, 2008).Step four, is where I would examine all the alternatives that could help the Rodriguez family such as family members, social service, or non-profit organizations that deals with families in crisis. I will give them positive things to think about so there will be no added stress on their part. The fifth step is to make plans on how Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez should go about getting immediate help from the other resources. I will make sure the resources are reliable and that Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez could reach the resources immediately because they are in n eed of having help as soon as possible.The six and final step is getting commitment from the Rodriguez family and giving my commitment to them that I am here to help them through this crisis. However, they must understand the plan and they must carry out the plan as stated to ensure them in getting back to normal stability. The three skills I would use to assist me in implementing the models I have selected are, simplicity, efficiency and reliability. With simplicity, I would execute simplicity by explaining as truthful as I can in easy form so the Rodriguez family can understand what they are too expected from me and what I will be expecting from them.Simplicity will be effective in addressing the Rodriguez basic and ongoing needs because they will be focusing on what is most important to help them with getting the help they need. I will use efficiency in helping the Rodriguez get back to the life they had before the flood. With using efficiency, every resource I recommend to the R odriguez will produce the specific outcome we are looking for and there will be no wasted time, because I will be, giving 100% of my time in making sure they are satisfy with the outcome. The reliability skill is the most important skill to me.Been reliable shows the Rodriguez family that I am capable of doing the job they need me to do and that I can function in a crisis situation. Reliability also shows that I have committed myself to making sure all the resources I have provided to them is also reliable. Reliability can be effective in addressing the Rodriguez family basic and ongoing needs because; it helps to avoid unnecessary things that are no helpful in getting them the things they need at this time. References: James, Richard (2008). Crisis Intervention Strategies. Belmont: Schatchgravel Publishing Services

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